Gone Fishing - 30 Days of Color - Hermit Werds
Gone Fishing

Gone Fishing

I wore the gradient on my nails for two days because I was too tired to finish this manicure. Pretty pitiful considering how simple this is. It’s nail art that I wanted to do the minute I got my Harunouta plate with the fish images. The way they are clumped up just made me think of koi fish gathered near a group of people in hopes of a handout. And then I had a perfect gone fishing boat. All I had to do was freehand the silhouette of the land and water. To top it off, I was able to cross off a personal challenge by only using yellow and black. Are there more birds I could kill with this stone?

Pretty sure I haven’t used all of these yellow polishes yet. Most of them, though…

Gone Fishing - 30 Days of Color - Hermit Werds
Gone Fishing

And here are the other participants of the last 30 Day Colour Challenge of January (recreation):

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  1. Going Ice Fishing – Hermit Werds
  2. Year of the Rooster - Hermit Werds

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