I meant to get this written up sooner, but I made the mistake of wandering outside to weed for a bit. The new yard is much bigger than the old and the abundance of rain has kept certain plants growing all winter. In other words, I was clawing things out of the dirt for two hours and barely made a dent in it. Meanwhile, my husband got to hear two hours worth of wailing as my cat protested our separation. 😂
Today’s nail art is nothing new to the nail art community: quartz! Also known as a careful sandwiching of a cool stringy texture between layers of jelly polish. And in my case a matte top coat to finish.

Nail art products used
- Base Polishes:
- KADS’ “Cloud Dancer” and “Living Coral” + Zoya’s “Tulip“
- Stamping Polishes:
- Maniology’s “Indio” and UberChic’s “Essential White“
- Advanced Stamping Polishes:
- Ms. Sparkle’s “Marrakech“; Sinful Colors’ “Truth or LavenDare“; + Zoya’s “Tilda” and “Tulip“
- Stamping Plates:
- KADS “Fashion 012“ (crystals) and Nicole Diary “L16“
I’ve used so much of my bottle of white jelly polish that it’s down the top of the “KADS”, which is pretty amazing in a collection of over a thousand bottles of polish! So useful. In addition to an overall look of quartz, I decided to include some reverse stamping so you’d all know it’s me. Instead of filling in the parts of the crystal, I filled in outside of it and let the pattern already on my nail shine through. Much easier than trying to stamp on a decal.
Sadly, though, I find I’m not much in love with this particular KADS plate. I liked it when I first bought it, but after using it I think the lines are too thick which gives it a very coloring book but not in an adult way finish. A few of the images are not like that and I may use them in the future, but probably not the main images with the crystals and flowers. Oh, well. I have many more stamping plates to make me happy.

#AZNailArtChallenge – ‘Q’ is for Quartz
While there are many different kinds of quartz (like all those kitchen and bathroom counters!), most of the participants used much the same color scheme as I did. But there were a few who went with bolder types of quartz and really I love them all. Check out the group tag.
Next prompt for the AZ challenge is ‘R’ is for Rock ‘n Roll. I have…too many ideas for it.

Gemstone manis of the past
Once upon a time I tried painting opal nails on the blog. It was a lot of fun and I got to dig into a lot of different nail art supplies like flakies and strips of iridescent film. I would probably do it differently if I were to paint it again today, but I’ve also tried so many more things (and have more toys! 🤑). On the other hand, I probably wouldn’t paint the marble mani any differently. I love it too much.
Final quartz nail art photos

Until next time, friends! 👋
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