Pink and Teal - Hermit Werds - water marble with pink and teal, including Black Heart's holographic Teal Galaxy
Pink and Teal

Pink and Teal (Water Marble)

Today we have a Pink and Teal color prompt from #WhenColoursCollide. I actually managed this water marble before I did all the crazy rainbow ones for Rainbow In-carnation. I was only planning on water marbling for two nails. I had the door closed, the humidifier on, and…I let the water marble dry and cut it in half because I am a lazy, lazy person. So I didn’t have a chance to really confirm the difference humidity makes in how easy it is to water marble. But it does. It does, my friends. So take a look at your environment before you decide you just suck at water marbling. It’s probably not you!

I took this photo under a natural light bulb so you can actually see the holo.

Pink and Teal - Hermit Werds - water marble with pink and teal, including Black Heart's holographic Teal Galaxy
Pink and Teal

This is not the first time I water marbled with “Teal Galaxy”. Since I already knew it would not be opaque I painted my nails with it before I stuck my water marble down. Teal perfection!

Pink and Teal - Hermit Werds - water marble with pink and teal, including Black Heart's holographic Teal Galaxy
Pink and Teal

I tried to combine this with #clairstelle8’s mermaid prompt, but it wasn’t working. The stamping I wanted to do just didn’t match with the water marble. So I took a deep breath and let the idea go. I painted the nails pink, took my photos, and removed the nail art. Because a water marble alone isn’t enough for me and I was bored. I probably could have made it work if I’d used
a darker pink and water marbled all the nails, but I do like these the way they are so I’m still happy. I just wanted something else on my nails. πŸ˜‰

Alas mermaid that never was…

Rejected mermaid and coral stamping - Hermit Werds
Rejected mermaid and coral stamping

Check out the group collage for Teal & Pink:

#WhenColoursCollide - Pink and Teal collage
#WhenColoursCollide – Pink and Teal collage

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