The true creatures of the night are sucking down coffee at all hours and complaining about how all the stores are closed. So when #nailsunited had a Creatures of the Night prompt, I played around with several ideas until I was very late for the prompt and brilliantly stumbled into this one when I was mentally whining to myself that I secretly want to do coffee nails at least once a month. And I’m not even one of those people who needs caffeine to be civil with people in the morning. Although the caffeine does help a lot when my allergies are bad. Which they are right now. Yay, fall!
So I picked vampires as my creature in lieu of nerd owls because vampires are low hanging stamping plate fruit. Seriously, is there any other creature from the horror genre that is more represented besides skeletons and spiders? I think not. My beautiful DXE Halloween stamping plate collection had some images that worked really well for this. Including one of a bat hanging upside down with its fangs sticking out. So. Perfect. And I had this KADs plate with levitating coffee. Match made in heaven, ladies. Match made in heaven.

- Base Polish:
Celestial’s “Doin’ the NASAty” - Stamping Polishes:
Mundo de Unas’ “Lemon Tree” and “Neon Pink” - Advanced Stamping Polishes:
Mundo de Unas’ “Lemon Tree”, Sinful Colors’ Demi Matte “Whiteboard” - Stamping Plates:
DXE22 (non-thumb bats), DXE23 (fanged bat), DXE29 (vampire), Hehe 057 (thumb bats), KADS MIN 008 (all three coffee cups), XY-Z22 (“Coffee Time”)
And lastly we have a photo with a coffee mug from my favorite place to get coffee: Beany’s. Seriously, aside from the ground coffee beans I get from Winco, I do not purchase coffee from anywhere else (my husband occasionally brings me coffee from Beans and Brew though). It was an Apple Butter Latte, folks. Mind the drool.

While we’re talking about coffee, that XY-Z22 plate was the second one of its kind that I bought from Aliexpress. The first one was etched so poorly that I couldn’t use two-thirds of the plate. So I ordered it again and didn’t confirm its arrival until I had tested it. You can’t really get your money back three months after delivery is confirmed. So. If you decide to buy it or one of its sister plates, be sure to test it soon after it arrives. They may be cheap plates, but it really sucks to have a mani all planned out only to find out the plate doesn’t work.
I really like the vampire and his coffee cup. And apple butter latte – what!? I wanna try it!
Thanks! I thought it was a cute addition. You’re too late for the coffee though. October is over so they are no longer serving it. And I missed their pumpkin spice with oreo cookies blended in. Life is cruel sometimes. 🙁