Elegant Peacock - Hermit Werds - blue and green metallic peacock stamping with black

Elegant Peacock and Neutrally Scientific

November 3, 2017 Lisa 2

I do love the coloring of a peacock. If I couldn’t choose rainbow as my favorite color, I’d probably have to pick peacock. It’s a testament to how much nail art I want to do that I have only labeled one other nail art as peacock, but it’s still a Read More

The Langoliers - Hermit Werds - past-eating Langoliers from Stephen King's story and movie chasing the plane

The Langoliers

October 28, 2017 Lisa 5

I binge on Stephen King for a while and and then not pick up a book by him for years. He’s such an amazing storyteller, but he does tend to kill a lot of his characters and I tend to like a different kind of world building. LOL (Someday, however, Read More

Black Cat v 2.0 - Hermit Werds - negative space nails in purple and silver with scrappy black cats

Black Cat V 2.0 and Pink Villainy

October 27, 2017 Lisa 2

This black cat nail art is for #26GreatNailArtIdeas Halloween w/Negative Space. I was going to do something more complex, but then I asked myself, “Why am I making my life hard right now?” And the answer is that sometimes I think if I don’t struggle I’m not doing a good Read More

Happy Birthday! - Hermit Werds - Halloween-themed happy birthday nail art

October’s Friday the 13th, Black Cat, @Osmovaara

October 13, 2017 Lisa 6

I have three different manicures to share today. I’ve already posted the first two to my Instagram but was too exhausted/busy to write about them more thoroughly. On the other hand, I de-stashed around twenty-five skirts from my closet. It…doesn’t even look like I made a dent. Clearly I’m going Read More

Take Me to Harry Potter's World - Hermit Werds - Harry Potter nail art featuring Hogwarts' train

Take Me to Harry Potter’s World

October 4, 2017 Lisa 0

This is my first time participating in #manicollabs on Instagram. The prompt was Inspired by a Country You Would Like to Visit and I asked if it had to be a real country. They said ‘no’ so then I spent time thinking about a recognizable and cool land I would Read More

Sunset City - Hermit Werds - a city stamping over a red-orange to warm e a city stamping over a red-orange to warm beige gradient

Sunset City

October 1, 2017 Lisa 0

It is the last day of the #31DC2017 (Honor Nails You ❤️). I can’t believe I made it. For my inspiration, I chose a beautiful mani by @manideforfaretchipie which you can see here. Now I did not have the same stamping plate as her, not even close. So I decided Read More

Geometric Autumn - Hermit Werds - geometric autumn patterns on chameleon holo powder

Geometric Autumn

September 15, 2017 Lisa 2

Well, I finally dug out my Born Pretty Chameleon Holo Flakes Powder pot and some no-light gels and top coat to see if I could make it work. Results were patchy and I really, really hate the black. It’s gotten very goopy very quickly and takes three coats for full Read More

Girl in a Leopard Print Bikini - Hermit Werds - sexy pin-up style Bettie Page inspired nails

The Girl in the Leopard Print Bikini

September 13, 2017 Lisa 2

I really admire the whole vintage Bettie Page-esque look. I occasionally come close to wearing it, but I am too lazy with hair and makeup (and my hair is too long). So I was really excited when #firedazedsept2017 included a Bettie Page prompt. Since I had to combine it with Read More

Beware the Fist - Hermit Werds - comic book style suited man running forward like Superman

Beware the Fist!

September 9, 2017 Lisa 2

Hehehe I know the guy with his hand up is probably reaching for his glasses so he can turn into Superman, but he’s also bursting through a wall if you’re familiar with the stamping plate. To be honest, I’ve always had a lot of sympathy for the property owners when Read More

Mushroom Garden - Hermit Werds - black and white depiction of a garden of giant mushrooms and mushroom houses

Mushroom Garden

September 6, 2017 Lisa 0

I’m really bummed that I couldn’t do all of the prompts for the #firedazedsept2017 challenge this month, but I just couldn’t pass up Mushrooms. So I combined it with the #31DC2017 prompt of Black and White and the #nailsunitedseptchallenge prompt of Garden and here we are! I started off painting Read More

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