I had other plans for #26GreatNailArtIdeas French with a Twist prompt, but then I tried some glitter placement with rhombus sequins and that got me to playing with them more and suddenly I had a different idea for French with a Twist. And for some reason it wasn’t Godzilla in Paris.
I may be regretting that a little now.
This also, happily, covers #NailChallengeCollaborative’s month-long Pastel theme. This is good because I do not do pastel nail art often so I’m trying to get them in as best I can.

Sequins are so shiny. It’s like I have little princess tiaras on my nails. I started quoting Sailor Moon to my husband. Why can’t everything I own be covered with sequins?
Probably because they don’t play nice. My natural nails are a lot more curvy than the falsies I used last time and the sequins did not want to lay down flat on them. I threw two thick layers of gel top coat on top and still had corners sticking out. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Because before I stuck any sequins on, I did a kind of baby boomer french tip with a gradient stamp. It took a few tries to blend the yellow out into the clear polish, but I made it work.

And before that, I painted this gorgeous crelly on my nails. It is my first from Bohemian Polish and, sadly, it is no longer available because I got it through the Polish Pickup in February. I’ve really come to appreciate crellies, though I do not have many. And this one is so luminescent on your nails! It reminds me of milk glass only it’s sliiightly grey. Also, I do realize I did not achieve full opacity in this photo. I went back and painted more on afterward which I maybe shouldn’t have because I failed to snag any glitters when I did it. :p

- Base Polishes:
Bohemian Polish’s “A Little More Conversation” - Stamping Polishes:
Mundo de Unas’ “Pastel Yellow” gradient-ed with clear polish - Rhombus sequins from Aliexpress
- Stamping Plate:
BeautyBigBang07 (press sample)
One last look before I let life happen to my nails…

Sequin Survivors:
I decided to do something that was both smart and very dumb. I left this on my nails for a little over 24 hours just to see how much of it would survive. I fidgeted. I washed dishes. I both braided and curled my hair. My hair is long and thick and generally can be blamed for most lost rhinestones and nail charms.
In the end I lost about ten sequins and most of the ones lost were placed horizontally across my nail. So the first lesson is to make sure the widest part of the sequin is lined up with the flatter part of the nail. The second is to not do a wear test with something sharp. I actually cut up the side of my neck a little when I was scratching. It’s okay. I burned the other side with my curling iron so they can heal together.
Solidarity, neck. Solidarity.

Yeah, look at all that damage.
That’s all for now, folks! Be sure to check out all the other great nail art from both FB groups:
It’s stunningly beautiful! And this is a very difficult job! I somehow created a similar pattern and long fastened the hearts of different sizes on the nails. It was difficult, but it was beautiful.
That sounds lovely. Heart sequins are a lot of fun, but I’m not sure how long these would have lasted if I’d left it on for a couple of days.