Well, that last post took a bit to prepare. Nothing like setting myself an easy first post to get back into the swing of things. 😅 And now it’s time for some pirate nail art since it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day! I think today’s design is pretty much the most “adult” pirate nails I have ever painted.

Products used
Going monochrome is one of the easiest ways to make people gloss over the subject matter unless they are looking more closely. It’s a trick I’ve used before simply because it amuses me, but it’s also something to keep in mind if your work environment is more strict. 😉
- Base Polishes:
- Born Pretty’s “Sunrise“ (press sample) and Sally Hansen’s Lustre Shine “Lava“
- Stamping Polishes:
- Born Pretty’s “Sunrise“ (press sample) and Beauty BigBang’s “J6504TM-4A” (press sample)
- Stamping Plates:
- Born Pretty BP-33 (ship) and BP-A10 Poetic Journey (maps)

Phone Repair
The “soft” appearance of my photos were not deliberate, but rather a product of using my phone too long without a case so the lens cover got really scratched up. Once I realized what was happening I switched to using an older phone to take my photos until I could fix the problem.
Turned out all I needed to do was buy new lens covers from ebay ($7) (buy multiples in case you mess up the first time) and then swap them out. I bought the covers and then it took me literally one year and five minutes to get the job done. 😬 Photo taking has gotten so much easier again. 😭👏
Pirates Past
I try to always have pirate nail art to share on Talk Like a Pirate Day. Here are some designs that came before. (Plus I have new stamping plates with more pirate images. Next year is going to be awesome!)
I also made a “pirate” ship out of an egg carton with my stepdaughter aaages ago. It can be found at the bottom of this post. However, I’m afraid I never posted instructions.
My Swashbuckler Airship
I hadn’t even planned it this way, but I finally bought the pirate airship that appeared on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’s movie and it arrived on today of all days. It was already a gift to myself for getting things done, but it felt like an extra gift today. Here it is assembled and placed on my shelf where it can squee at it all day.

But now I want more of the little toys from the movie. Especially Captain Celaeno, who I want to be in my next life. Admittedly, I just have a thing for lady pirate captains. *fans self*
Until next time…
That’s it from me today, friends. I hope you’re keeping things together. I know things have gotten extra dark the last few days. We have not only lost a great hero, but now have an even bigger fight ahead of us.
You will always be missed, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Thank you for all you have done for us.
Great to see you back <3 Long time now see!
Amazing nails and love that Airship, too cute <3 Lava is such a great polish too 😀
Thanks so much! It is good to be back. I have been coveting that airship ever since the movie came out. It’s as rainbow as my nails. LOL
Lava is great. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how nice retail polishes are when my indie collection keeps growing so I’m glad it had its day. 😁