I’ve been really bad about getting anything done lately. I did manage to cut my own hair for the first time last night. I think I need to take off a bit more on the top, but so far it’s actually one of the better haircuts I’ve had. Mind you, that’s because I’ve been going to Great Clips a lot–very budget friendly, but a huge dice roll as far as getting what you wanted. So, yeah. I’m distracted. Partly it was getting sick, but mostly I started playing the game Don’t Starve. I don’t want to stop. I just want to survive one more day! I haven’t painted my nails once since I started playing. Luckily I already had some manicures done and sent out for collabs and that’s where today’s nail art comes in. #WhenColoursCollide had a green/white prompt and I had this bar code plate from Born Pretty with a guy “mowing” the bar code. Done and done.
These are nails for a cause, yes. I’ve been complaining about the American attachment to lawns increasingly over the years. I don’t get it. It’s completely unsuited to most environments and yet everyone has to have one. It’s to the point where some HOAs and cities will fine you and force you to put a lawn in if you don’t have one, even though your native landscaping is more environmentally friendly and you did a good job. In some ways I think that draws more attention than letting everything go to seed or die because it speaks of intention and people come over to check it out. Anyway, I’m not a hater of grass. It has its purpose in parks and recreational fields. But outside of that give nature a break! It’s a dead end as far as animal environments go and the chemical runoff alone is environmentally terrible. Big agriculture doesn’t need our help contributing yummy nitrogen to algae blooms in bodies of water. Meanwhile, I’d rather grow food plants in my front yard. It’s the only place on my lot that has decent amounts of sun. But, nope. HOA would never allow it because “curb appeal”.
No homegrown tomatoes for me. Long live lawns. :'(

- Base Polish:
Celestial’s “Are You Mooning Me?” - Stamping Polish:
Mundo de Unas’ “White” - Stamping Plates:
Born Pretty BP-L102 (bar codes), HK-10 (butterflies)
I wanted to label this as simple nail art, but I did things like chop a butterfly in half for an in-flight stamp and make extra decals of bar codes so the mown part would stretch across my nails. Not hard, but not particularly simple or fast. Also I’m happy to say I have now used all my Celestial polishes at least once. Huzzah! I should probably do a progress report soon, but gaming… Ah, well. Here’s another shot of my nails with the duochrome nature on display for your patience. 😉

And last the group collage. Lots of great nail art in there. The next prompt is red/brown/white. I may get cracking, but probably not. 😉

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