A New Years mani with a grey background, bright green stamping of winter/spring/summer/fall seasons and "2021" on top.

Seasons of 2021

December 30, 2020 Lisa 3

The new year has generally always held hope of being better than the last one (or worse if life has worn you down that far). I remember thinking 2020 would be better than 2019. hahaha But I think most of us can agree that because of vaccines (and certain elections Read More

A super bling Christmas mani starting with a red/green thermal polish, bright green swirls, and dancing reindeer stamping decals.

Reindeer Holiday

December 25, 2020 Lisa 2

It’s Christmas! And I have one last reindeer/Christmas mani to share. It has been a month for reindeer nail art since this is the fourth time they’re showing up. Although if you count how many designs I’ve repainted it’s been all reindeer all the time for me. 😭 I decided Read More

Olive Christmas art featuring accent nails with poinsettia stamping decals and a wee bird and holographic olive polish.

The Poinsettia

December 22, 2020 Lisa 3

Today I proudly prove that I not only have enough green nail polish to paint yet another monochrome green mani, but I have enough olive polishes to do it. *high fives self* I’ve rather struggled to put together monochrome looks with other colors, but this olive mani came together like Read More

Monochrome red reindeer nail art with deep red polishes and a wintery scene created from layered stamping. Merry Christmas!

Red Reindeer Christmas

December 17, 2020 Lisa 3

I’m back with another monochrome look, this time in red with delicate little reindeer in the woods. Tuesday’s nail art was an easy dream to paint. Today’s layered look was a lesson how much I have yet to master. This is why I have so much admiration for nail artists Read More

Nail art with stamping decals of beautiful Russian nesting dolls or matryoshka dolls in pinks, reds, and greens on a rusty red background with subtle jelly sandwich.

Russian Nesting Dolls

December 4, 2020 Lisa 2

It was really convenient of Ine to pick accompanying colors in the #pantone2020winterchallenge that worked perfectly for painting the ‘R’ is for Russian Dolls prompt for #aznailartchallenge. With the power of two challenges behind me, things came together pretty quickly. #pantone2020winterchallenge Honestly I felt seriously spoiled when I saw the Read More

A soft blue, purple, and pink nail art of cute bunnies living in the clouds with an aqua glow in the dark special effect.

Sky Bunnies, Cloud Meadows

December 1, 2020 Lisa 2

Happy December! I’m back with some glow in the dark goodness! A great way to start any month on the blog. I posted this a little early on Instagram to finish out @liganailista’s monthly challenge with a cloud prompt. And Beauty BigBang’s XL-082 stamping plate had the perfect scene with Read More

A glow in the dark fire-y thermal red and black nail art with double stamped scorpion and flames and edgy black textured polish accent nails.

Fire-y Sting of the Scorpion (glow in the dark)

November 2, 2020 Lisa 2

While I was busy wrapping things up for Inktober I didn’t get around to finishing my last Halloween nail art and posting it. So here we are now, a tiny bit late for last week’s #pantone2020winterchallenge. Life is messy, but hopefully this glow in the dark mani with scorpions and Read More

Elegant golden brown nail art with spider web stamping, small metal spider sequins, and a large pearl spider nail charm.

Golden Spider Army

October 22, 2020 Lisa 4

My love for spiders is hopefully not causing too many people distress, but be warned that this post chock full of eight-legged beauties. Although…if you’ve followed me for very long at all you’d know that I always find myself painting spider nail art every Halloween/October. 😏 Did I just use Read More

Warm rosy-brown nail art with little chibi Japanese girls in kimonos.

Spring’s Frost

March 12, 2020 Lisa 2

I’m back with a new look for #pantone2020summerchallenge and today’s Pantone color is Rose Brown. It is very aptly named. I decided to stick some little chibi girls in kimonos on top because I have an abundance of far eastern-themed stamping plates that I haven’t used yet. So…yeah…expect to see Read More

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