I have completely busted off my index finger’s nail so while I’m fixing that (and the broken links, ugh) I have another recreation from 2017’s #NailFails. My biggest crime with this one was using KleanColor’s metallic polish to stamp something detailed. It looks fine until you top coat and then suddenly it gets grainy. Well, you can see…

Since I couldn’t use a metallic pink for my stamping*, I decided to make one of the base colors a sparkly pink to make up for it. It also made a very clear focal point for the nail art so I placed my bee on it and added the flowers on the next nail over, filling them in this time because the plain stamping just felt empty to me. Imagine that. LOL
* You can use KleanColor’s “Metallic Pink” to stamp; I just wouldn’t use it for images with delicate lines because of how it reflects the light once top coat is added. Also, it stains. A lot. My silicone mat is still a little pink a year later and I regularly clean it off with acetone. The blue and purple that stained a bit faded within days. The pink is criminally beautiful and determined to stick around forever. You’ve been warned. 🙂

I perfectly filled in the floral decal with the pink shimmery polish that you can’t really see. Then my hands started shaking because hunger while I filled it in poorly with the light pink creme that you can definitely see. *sigh*

Products Used
- Base Polishes:
- Shinespark Polish’s “Hulk Rage” and “Link”; Sinful Colors’ “Bianca” and “Zest of Times”
- Stamping Polishes:
- Mundo de Unas “Dark Green” and Sally Hansen’s Striper “Hot Pink”
- Advanced Stamping Polishes:
- KleanColor’s “Metallic White”; Sinful Colors’ “Pink Smart” and “Zest of the Times”; and Wet ‘n’ Wild’s “The Wonder Yellows”
- Stamping Plates:
- BC11 (flowers on thumb), BC14 (bees), BC20 (cone flowers)
I really need more options when it comes to opaque pink cremes and especially stamping polishes. Most of my pinks have ended up being jellies and while I love jellies there are things you just can’t do with them. Also a metallic pink that’s like Pueen’s “Cool Aqua” would be lovely. So smooth. I used to tell myself a story that I wasn’t girly and wouldn’t use pink much. It’s true that my wardrobe is nearly pink free, but I love using pink as an accent.
I like to use either Sinful Colors’ “Ice Blue” or “Tokyo Pearl” or KleanColor’s “Metallic White” to fill in wings. KleanColor won this time partially because I already had it out for the snow globe nails, but in truth the white was necessary to avoid making things purple and I wanted a little more sparkle than a pearl finish would create.

BC Stamping Plates
I’m not sure who is behind the BC line of stamping plates. I’ve seen them listed under a brand called Biutee on Amazon, but I think I’ve seen other brands claiming them and even stamping plates with different numbers but the same images. The first ten plates from the line have a lot of lace and floral patterns. The next ten plates have spring/summer images.
One thing is consistent: the image quality is not impressive. The bee image I used was part of the cone flower’s image, but half the lines were etched so poorly that pickup was very bad. Luckily(?) they used this same bee three different times so I had a better etching on BC11 to use. It also had an image with a smaller bee that I wish I’d left alone because part of its wing just…wasn’t there. Can you even tell they are bees?
Oh, well. You win some; you lose some. I still love this new design much more. Another #NailFail turned into a #NailWin. We’ll get back to Christmas shortly. I just need to make a pretend nail for myself now. *sigh*
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