Menny (@mennysnailcorner) has started a new long-term collab called the Pokedex Nail Project. Every two weeks the next Pokemon in the pokedex will be due. So we’ve started with Bulbasaur and I already kinda messed up because I painted all of his evolutions and they are the very next ones due. Woops! Menny was kind enough to give me a pass this time, but I may go back and paint a Bulbasaur-only nail art.
Just not this month because I have so much nail art already planned. There will be another double post tomorrow and possibly one on Thursday as well. I am getting a lot of freehand painting done, though! I missed my goal by one last month and I’m easily going to be passing it in the first week of October (even with counting tomorrow’s candy nail art as September because that’s when I painted it). Which is good! Freehand painting is much cheaper than owning hundreds of stamping plates.
Also, as you can see, I have a lot of room for improvement. heh

- Base Polish:
Color Club’s “Miss Bliss” - Freehand painting with acrylic paints.
Here’s the group collage for Bulbasaur. Check out the group tag to see the individual posts and feel free to join us for Ivysaur!

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