This month we round the corner on flowers and move into the insect origami that I wanted to fold. I started with a dud of a flower that ripped in multiple places and I was not enjoying myself. So I found a different flower to fold and chucked the other diagram because I didn’t want to fold it anymore. Legit strategizing there. Hah! New flower still will never be a favorite, but the Modular Flower isn’t half bad.

I think I’m doing butterflies next month and that has me really excited. I want to make a set of really tiny origami butterfly earrings and I kinda want to make an origami mobile with butterflies too. If I do, they’ll either be part of the post or a post about them will follow shortly. However, I still have three mini top hats to finish. I’ve let moving my craft room and resettling and such distract me too much. Hopefully you will see a post about them before you even see another origami post. I can hope. 😉 And now for a review of the diagrams…

Modular Flower – the little triangle of white that inevitably shows annoys me, so this is only an ok origami, good start for trying modular origami though
Dragonfly Mystery – I pulled all the insects without checking to see if they were a fold and then cut exercise (really don’t like those) but respect how much effort it takes to figure out how to do one
Vibrant Dragonfly – cute design but too fragile at the joints to be useful
Dragonfly – love this and it’s fairly sturdy
Bug-eyed Bee – cute, had a few moments where I wasn’t sure what I was doing but turned out well
Water Lily – curling the petals was awkward but really liked the end result
Lily Pad – also awesome, but does require tape. I ignored the instruction that said to use a bigger piece of paper and you’ve already seen how it gets overwhelmed by the lily flower. Learn from my indifference!
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