I remember when Beetlejuice came out. It was a pretty fun movie, but not a favorite of mine. I did, however, watch the cartoon quite faithfully (though I cannot really remember any particular episode to this day, just the sandworms). And then I heard this year that Tim Burton wouldn’t be opposed to making a Beetlejuice 2! Possibly with Winona Rider! I was never a fan of Winona Rider until I watched Stranger Things with my husband. Holy crap! When did this not terribly emotionally invested actress turn into this amazing actor? Big fan of her skills these days.
Oh and I totally freehand painted the sandworms on my thumb. With my non-dominant hand. Not letting myself off too easily when painting my right hand has really helped improve my ability to do Stuff with my left hand. I am still nowhere near ambidextrous though.

- Base Colors: Color Mates’ (from Dollar Tree) “Waikiki Kiwi”, Essence’s “Wild White Ways”, Sinful Color’s “No Text Red”
- Stamping Polish: Born Pretty’s black, Sinful Color’s “Casablanca”
- Reverse Stamping Polishes: Essence’s “Wild White Ways”, Sinful Color’s “No Text Red”, L’Oreal’s “Walk on the Beach”,
- Stamping Plates: Handy’s H2, Born Pretty’s BP-L020
Cathy at More Nail Polish set up an inLinkz for the 31 Day Challenge so here are some of 2016’s challenge participants:
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