Polka Dot Party - Hermit Werds - water decals in pink and blue featuring stripes, flowers, and polka dots
Polka Dot Party

Polka Dot Party

I thought through some of my plans poorly so today’s nail art ended up having to be a water decal. I did, however, use nail polish to trace around it. It’s a look I’ve always admired on others and it probably took more time for me to do everything than it would have to just stamp some polka dots so…continuing the tradition of poor planning! Gotta get your practice in somewhere, right? 🙂

And I wasn’t just talking about the outline. I really should practice with more water decals even though my nails are too wide for the small ones that I have the most of. There are lots of ways to work around that. 🙂

Polka Dot Party - Hermit Werds - water decals in pink and blue featuring stripes, flowers, and polka dots
Polka Dot Party
Polka Dot Party - Hermit Werds - water decals in pink and blue featuring stripes, flowers, and polka dots
Polka Dot Party

More polka dots for your viewing pleasure:

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