Milk Milk Lemonade - Hermit Werds - nail art tribute to Amy Schumer's "Milk Milk Lemonade" music video/skit with actual milk and lemonade

Milk Milk Lemonade – Amy Schumer Tribute

January 11, 2019 Lisa 0

Today is National Milk Day so I thought it was time to share this mani. Also, my apologies for lying about posting new nail art the next day. I had a design planned out and partially painted, but my heart wouldn’t let me finish it until I made a few Read More

One White Base, Four Summer Looks - Hermit Werds - Four different summer looks created on a white gel base

One White Base, Four Summer Looks

August 16, 2017 Lisa 5

I haven’t had a new blog post in two days, but believe me I’ve been keeping busy (or you can check my instagram account if you need proof). I was watching one of Jessface90‘s polish swatching videos and she made a remark about her white gel base starting to peel Read More