Easter nail art starting with a soft grey crelly with pastel glitters and a cute anthropomorphic bunny wearing a carrot t-shirt and carrots!

Rabbits and Root Vegetables

April 5, 2021 Lisa 1

Just like we shouldn’t be feeding ducks bread, we shouldn’t be giving rabbits carrots regularly as they are too high in sugar for them. Rabbits should be nomming the greens on the carrots instead (which by the way you can eat in your salad as well; one half of the Read More

Life's a Beach - Hermit Werds - tropical green pond jelly nail art with palm trees

Life’s a Beach

April 4, 2019 Lisa 0

It doesn’t even begin to feel tropical yet, but not all beaches are warm anyway. In fact, half of my beach experiences have been rather cold and windy (but still fun). Today it was Palm Trees for #ColoursWithinWomen so I turned to the Hangouts stamping plate set by Maniology. Amusingly, Read More