I’d drawn up this design to use the ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ that one of my stamping plates had. I figured I’d pull it out if I had to do another Back to School prompt. But then #AZNailArtChallenge restarted with ‘A’ is for Alphabet and, well, I couldn’t not use it. I thought this was an extra fun design because the sleeping cat finishes out the alphabet. 😉

This also let me use Colores de Carol’s lovely salmon pink polish “Ava“. I have a fondness for salmon pink dating back to childhood when it was the only pink crayon in the box that I was into. My heart has grown to embrace other pinks, but salmon pink is still my favorite. I would love to get a creme or holographic polish in a lighter shade so I can play them off each other. But until then, I have two lovely coral holos and I made it work.
- Base Polishes:
- Celestial Cosmetic’s “Too Glam to Give a Damn” and Colores de Carol’s “Ava” and “Daydream“
- Stamping Polishes:
- Mundo de Unas’ “Lime” and “White“
- Advanced Stamping Polishes:
- Colores de Carol’s “Ava“, Smacker’s “Wickedly Stylish“, and Walmart/no-brand light pink
- Freehand Painting:
- Acrylic paint for the ‘Z’s.
- Stamping Plates:
- Born Pretty BP-102 (cat), Harunouta L018 (acorns), Maniology BM-005 (butterfly), and XY-Z15 (alphabet)
Did you catch that the last ‘z’ was backwards? Now you can’t unsee it too! In my defense, I was very distracted because Captain Marvel! I was going to be seeing it in miiinutes and I had to get my top coat on and pictures taken and and not even time to edit a photo and send it in before it was time to goooo!
Such a great movie. Sooo about time. Flame-hawk!
That is all.

‘A’ is for Alphabet
I am a little surprised that participation went down for this prompt. I’ve previously found it a bit difficult to participate because the ladies running this challenge live in a different time zone than I do and it’s hard to stay ahead when there are so many challenges to paint for. So inevitably I’d end up finishing just a little too late to turn my nail art in or I’d have to stay up waaay late to finish. (Which is not an option any more. I fixed my sleep schedule and it’s staying fixed.)
Finally, I just set the deadline the day before on my calendar and that cleared it up. I’d know if I had time to make the challenge or not and act accordingly. Lately, I’ve been missing a lot more prompts in all challenges because I’m prioritizing my 6-week Zentangle journey. That’s fine. The thing I wanted most to get done is getting done. Anyway. Deadline digressions aside I expect the next collage to be much bigger because the new prompt is ‘B’ is for Bird. Birds be easy.

So there you have it, friends! And now I have to draw out a new emergency design for Back to School. Hmmm. I think I have a punny idea for that… Mwhahahaa
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