#NailsWithIgFriends is a group that has just one prompt a month and the person in charge of the prompt and the collage at the end changes each month. This was my first month participating and @nailcraftaddict was running the show and picked Arctic Wildlife. Now being me I kinda wanted to do nail art for the microscopic animals of the arctic, but that’s not really going to relate to what everyone else was doing even if it was technically following the prompt so I decided to paint narwhales instead. They are the unicorns of the sea afterall. 😉
I feel like I could have done a better job of it. Like, I wanted to add some gradient blues over my reusable black gel base and make the whales kind of appear to glow, but I was exhausted. I sat for two hours with the paint tubes in front of me unable to even summon the energy to put some paint on the palette so I could start. But I eventually did. I took enough photos so I could send one to @nailcraftaddict and I went to bed (but not before painting my National Dog Day nails and doing all the writing, editing, etc for it). The rest of the photos I ended up taking and editing today. This is also why there is one photo of glossy nails and everything else is matte. I give myself points for even finishing. This has been a busy month.

- black gel polish base
- freehand painting with acrylic paint

And here is the lovely collage with all the participants. Check out the tag #NailsWithIgFriends on Instagram to see close-ups of what everyone did.

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