Sir Ariana Cormorant gestured for the standby signal flags to be run up. The island was inhabited. The bright red and orange coloring of the mermaid made that clear enough. She was the obvious lookout considering everything about her had been engineered. Ariana’s eyes narrowed as she swept her spy glass along the rocky beach. Now who or what was the mermaid supposed to be keeping her from noticing. They had to land. The water barrels were nearly empty and the parts for the water purifier had been cannibalized to keep the engine running…

With all of the nail art challenges I’ve committed to I have some pretty fun prompt combinations planned. So far this is my favorite because it let me be a little steampunk/biopunk. Also I painted again. I painted! This month that’s three out of eight so far! ;D
#clairestelle8challenge – Mermaids
@fire.dazed.challenge – Balloons
#glamnailschallenge – Beach (they aren’t always sandy!)
#nailsunitedaugchallenge – Island
Everything was painted with acrylic paint over Sinful Color’s “Snow Me White”.
I did a lot better taking progress shots, but I’m really thinking I need to figure out recording this.

Awesome! Maybe somebody should do some painting in a more permanent fashion as well… *hint, hint* That would be a cool art piece.
I’d have to get a lot more details right at a larger scale, but that’s a thought… 🙂