Nail Polish: Splash
A deep royal blue stamping polish with a sparkling pearl finish by Maniology. First seen in their May 2022 ManixMe box.

Black Cat City
It feels like a black cat year since this is the second time I’ve hit on the topic on an already bare year for nail art. I even have at least one more planned before the months’ end, but realistically I have two more that I’d like to post. Alas, Read More

Shark Love
I am definitely the part of the population that loves Shark Week because I love sharks. Who wouldn’t love an animal that bites things because one of its major environmental inputs is its mouth. When can I get that excuse? But Shark Week is in July and I totally missed Read More

Lucky Year of the Tiger
I’ve fallen into a pattern when it comes to Chinese New Year. It’s always a good idea to paint one in red/gold/black colors. They are the tradition and are a better resource for others later on. However, I like bringing rainbows where people use neutrals (or in this case a Read More