I have been sitting on this nail art for over a year just waiting for the perfect time to post it. And as we’re just heading into spring nail art season (which can be quite different from what’s going on outside depending on where you live), now felt good. It always felt like the dancers were celebrating something and the solid fabrics of their kimonos take us deep down the path of vintage and into antique territory.

The dancer on my thumb has a fan, which tied in the metal fan sequins quite nicely. Just as the dancer with her umbrella ties in the umbrella stamping pattern. I feel rather smug about it all, even though it has more to do with picking an excellent stamping plate.

A-Z Nail Art Challenge ‘V’ is for Vintage
Vintage has such a nice scope to it. One can choose everything from a pattern that is associated with a previous time period, objects, fashion, and even art styles. There’s such a fabulous mix of different subjects and colors in the collage below. Definitely check out the group tag to see what everyone has posted.
The next prompt is ‘W’ is for Water. So many possibilities! 🤔

Nail art products used
- Base Polish:
- ILNP’s “Legacy“
- Stamping Polishes:
- Born Pretty’s “Light of the Moon” and KADs’ “Sage Green“
- Advanced Stamping Polishes:
- Born Pretty’s “Cherry Blossoms“, Essie’s “Good as Gold” and Zoya’s “Jacqueline” + “Scout” mixed with white polish
- Nail Decorations:
- Gold metal sequins fan from Aliexpress
- Stamping Plates:
- Uberchic The Far East 01 (paper parasol pattern) and ZJoys 061 (ladies)
I tend not to be one for scattered holographics, but there are a few I have fallen in love with and ILNP’s “Legacy” is one. The olive green color is fabulous and it’s just that perfect shade when the light hits it. A little bit dark and yet still bright: a shade for all seasons depending on what you pair it with. I’d like to think this nail art is moving towards spring.

The macro really brings out all the holo.

And far away. The background patterns and metal sequins are quick to disappear into the holo, but this was not meant to be a bold nail art design anyway.

Until next time, friends! 👋
This looks super amazing 😀
Thank you! 💗