I originally wanted to do X-Men, but there really aren’t stamping plates for that and I’ve run out of time to freehand as much as I’d like. So I went with my backup, X-Files, which required less freehanding. ‘X’ will always be a hard letter to get through, but I’ll have X-Men next year and next November should be much easier to get through because I plan to have fewer obligations (plus I’m not going to be doing 31 Days of Nails next year, although I am going to try for Inktober).
I really could have done better on the lettering, but sometimes you just have to give yourself a pass so you can move on with life. I wasn’t about to repaint it a dozen times just to get it perfect (at least not tonight).

- Base Color: Revlon’s Parfumerie “Espresso”, L’Oreal’s “Walk on the Beach”, Wet ‘n’ Wild’s “2% Milk”, Essie’s Cashmere Matte “Coat Couture”
- Freehand: white and black acrylic paints, Sally Hansen’s Insta-Dri “Ablazing!”
Last of all, check out the inlinkz for the letter ‘X’:
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