Bunnies in Black - Hermit Werds - neon shooting stars behind weird suited bunnies with a UFO overhead

Bunnies in Black

July 20, 2018 Lisa 0

Sometimes you just get a funny idea in your head and you have to do it. I had a stamping plate with these weird suited bunnies and they gave me a brain worm that I just couldn’t shake. I had to riff off of Men in Black with them. I’m Read More

Fantastic Mr. Fox - Hermit Werds - nail art featuring the movie version of the fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox

September 12, 2017 Lisa 4

I ended up swapping out days so you’re getting the Fantastic Mr. Fox early, thus covering both Stripes (#31DC2017, day 12) and Inspired by a Garment (#nailchallengecollaborative). And I know the expectation for Inspired by a Garment is generally something from fashion week or whatever. I’m sure that would boost Read More

X is for X-files - ABC Nail Art Challenge - 31 Day Challenge (tv show) - Hermit Werds

‘X’ is for X-Files

November 24, 2016 Lisa 0

I originally wanted to do X-Men, but there really aren’t stamping plates for that and I’ve run out of time to freehand as much as I’d like. So I went with my backup, X-Files, which required less freehanding. ‘X’ will always be a hard letter to get through, but I’ll Read More