2 Cwl 4 Skwl

I really wanted to participate in this month’s #NailAddictsCollab. The theme was 2 Cwl 4 Skwl and since you’re supposed to include a bit about why you chose your subject, I really thought about what I wanted to say. At first I wanted to paint Bart Simpson nails because he definitly thinks he is too cool for school. But that wasn’t very personal. When I was in school I spent a large portion of my time in class reading other books. I did well enough grade-wise that I didn’t get my books taken away, but I probably should have read more non-fiction. Heh! So these nails feature a book with science fiction and fantasy themes in the background because by the time I hit junior high, I knew what books I liked. Bujold and Asimov. Anne McCaffery’s dragons of Pern (arguably science fiction). Meredith Pierce’s Firebringer* series and one of my all-time favorites: Tamora Pierce’s Lioness series (really want to re-read both series soon). Sweet memories and so many good books. I’ve included more superhero and paranormal books to my line of usual reads these days, but I still get plenty of all.

* Yes, I know Firebringer is not a grey unicorn.

I laid down my lightest color first (North Star) and then cut a very thin square of sponge and angled in the gradient on either side. Then I stamped appropriate patterns in white and layered decals with black lines on top. I kept the color palette very simple and fairly de-saturated. I think I managed to keep it fairly cohesive despite how many different stamping plates (and brands) I used, although I wish I had some flowing unicorn mane to stick under the lion’s feet to help anchor her.

2 Cwl 4 Skwl - Hermit Werds - a book full of fantasy and science fiction stories.
2 Cwl 4 Skwl

Items being used for the first time are listed in italics.

You can see I tried out my new macro lens for my phone. I need more practice, but I’m working on it! 😀

2 Cwl 4 Skwl - Hermit Werds - a book full of fantasy and science fiction stories.
2 Cwl 4 Skwl

The lovely group organizers, Katie and Jo, have put together a collage of all the participants:

2 Cwl 4 Skwl Collage - Hermit Werds - #NailAddictsCollab
2 Cwl 4 Skwl Collage

2 Comments Posted

  1. One of my favorites. The color gradient, the cool background stamping, and the two-part nail stamp of the robot coming out of the book. YES!

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