@kassnailedit decided to run a collab for her birthday with a Phoenix theme. It sounded like a lot of fun, so I jumped on the chance. I even learned something I did not know about Instagram: apparently you can only have fifteen people at once in a chat channel. I should be embarrassed that I’ve been on Instagram for almost a year and did not know that. Nay. I am an introvert! I shall wear it like a badge of honor.
Or something. :p
But it was a really fun collab and I loved seeing all the nail art the ladies turned in before everyone else. Heh. Of course, Kass got to see everyone’s nail art before the collage went live. The advantage of being the organizer. 🙂

I decided to paint mine on my claw-like false nails which I painted dark grey before digging out the acrylic paints. My plan was to paint a progression of the Phoenix’s life span: Dying in a fire. The fire goes out. The new Phoenix flies up from the ashes. The Phoenix flies away. I wasn’t quite planning on painting a fuller view of the phoenix on my thumb, but it felt weird to leave it plain even though I often don’t even post a photo showing my thumb.

- Base Polish:
Sinful Shine’s “Steel Reserve” - Everything else freehanded with acrylic paint
I even managed to take a decent number of progress shots! It’s been a while since I last did a full mani with just freehand and now I want to do more, but I’m also supposed to be working my way through my purchases so that’s kind of hard to fit in with all the other nail art. On the other hand, I’m quietly trying to build a backlog of nail art that I can post to fill gaps. As long as I get the messaging and blog posts done too, I’ll be golden. Hopefully there will be no huge gaps of no nail art during the holidays. I’m already a little messed up because a collage posted late to Instagram and I was out yesterday for an early Thanksgiving that my stepmother always throws. I barely managed to post one photo of this on time, but I haaad to! Because it was Kass’ birthday! 😀

And here is the lovely collage. The other ladies will be posting their individual designs using the tag #KassCollabsIt so go check them out! We sliced and diced the subject in all sorts of cool ways. 🙂

Looks like a really neat collab! Your freehand art is always fascinating, especially as each nail tells the story. I have that SC grey polish too – makes a great background for art.
Thanks so much, Kim! I hope I can schedule in a lot more freehand next month. I have so many ideas, but too many commitments right now.
Yes! Steel Reserve is an excellent polish. I am glad I have it in my collection because I just don’t have many greys right now. Very limiting. 🙂