I was supposed to post this clear back in April. It was for a challenge. With a collage. The only colors I could use were purple and brown and I did a fairly decent job even though I was trying to come back from a painting drought. But I kept not taking my photos right away so the design got trashed from yardwork and then I decided I didn’t love it so much so I changed it around to the design you see now.
But I still didn’t like it all that much, procrastinated photographing it again, trashed it (thanks, yard!), took my photos, and then edited them too much to “fix” the trashing.
So this whole thing is a problem, but it’s here. It can no longer hang over my head with its floral generic-ness. I am doing my duty, procrastination gods, so please pick from the other million-plus things I “should” do so I can be appropriately guilty about living. Amen.
Also, this is the 750th post on this blog. Only 250 more to hit 1K! 😭
Nail art products used
- Base Polishes:
- Alchemy Lacquer’s “Sphere of Iridescence“ and Maniology’s “Woolly“
- Stamping Polishes:
- Maniology’s “Shattered” and “Woolly“
- Reverse Stamping Polish:
- Alchemy Lacquer’s “Sphere of Iridescence“
- Stamping Plates:
- “Nicole Diary 206“ (florals, “today”)
- “Pueen-110“ (butterflies)
Items in italics are debuting on the blog for the first time.
Instead of a bottle shot, how about a photo of the design I turned in to the collab. It really wasn’t bad, but there is more contrast with the second design. I was a stickler as well and used all the same products for both. Do you think I should have just stuck with the first design? Should I be punished because my “brown” is sitting on the fence between brown and orange?
Please tell me I’m being punished with chocolate.

@WhenColoursCollide – Purple/Brown
- Instagram Group: @whencolourscollide
- Challenge host(s): Leonie @leonies_nailart, Angelica @gelicnailart, and Petia
- Group tag: #whencolourscollide
The FB group actually restarted to help clear out all the non-participants and I’ve decided not to join. It’s the perfect group for those who love more abstract designs. And I actually do love them. I just don’t love to paint them. It’s a struggle every time and then I end up not liking my design nearly enough most of the time because I always want that little pop of another color and that’s against the rules.
I shall continue to admire their work from a distance. Because look at this collage: Gorgeous!

Final floral nail art photos

Until next time, friends! 🙋♀️
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