Wall of Drink - Hermit Werds - mosaic depicting a martini with olive

Wall of Drink

August 29, 2017 Lisa 0

The two challenge prompts for this manicure are: #NailsUnitedAugChallenge – Cocktail #GlamNailsChallengeAug – Mosaic Really a mosaic could be on quite a number of things, but I’d really like to see a giant mosaic that is just different kinds of alcoholic beverages at a bar or something. We all want Read More

Swimming with the Narwhales - Hermit Werds - handpainted narwhales swimming against a black arctic background

Swim with the Narwhales

August 27, 2017 Lisa 2

#NailsWithIgFriends is a group that has just one prompt a month and the person in charge of the prompt and the collage at the end changes each month. This was my first month participating and @nailcraftaddict was running the show and picked Arctic Wildlife. Now being me I kinda wanted Read More

National Dog Day - Hermit Werds - a dog and their owner enjoying the sunset from a mountain top

National Dog Day

August 26, 2017 Lisa 2

I’m a cat person, but I figured since my sister loves dogs the most it would not be disloyal to create nail art to honor dog life companions for #StampingSaturdayAug. Since #clairestelle8challenge also had a prompt for Sunset, I decided to combine the two into this nail art. I did Read More

Sunflower Farming - Hermit Werds - sunflower farm with scarecrow and barn

Sunflower Farming

August 25, 2017 Lisa 0

After painting some post-apocalyptic scenery earlier in the week, I guess it was time for some cute nail art. I returned to Sunflowers with the prompt from #NailCraziesUnite and added Farm Friends from #FireDazedAugust. I was really excited to use my farming nail plate from UberChic, but the one from Read More

Candy Land Candies - Hermit Werd - holographic candy decals on a black gel base

One Black Base – Four Looks

August 24, 2017 Lisa 2

I bought two gel “colors” and since we’ve already done a bunch of white nail art, I thought it was time to do some nail art on a black reusable base. Sadly, these aren’t very thematic since we’re at the end of the month and I’m just scrambling to finish Read More

Shuttering of Stygian Skies - Hermit Werds - post apocalyptic sunset with elder god monster beneath

Sun-flower and Shuttering of Stygian Skies

August 23, 2017 Lisa 1

Right now I have two manicures to share. 🙂 To start, it’s fun to pun and since there are two different prompts for sunflowers this month that I plan to do, I decided to make one of them a pun. With the eclipse happening so recently, I thought it was Read More

Mighty Jungle, Mighty Deer - Hermit Werds - Freehand painted brocket deer in the jungle accent nail with fawn pattern

Mighty Jungle, Mighty Deer

August 20, 2017 Lisa 0

I’ve been wanting to do fawn patterned nails ever since I saw Lucy’s tutorial on YouTube. I had a Brown, Grey, Green prompt from When Colours Collide and a jungle prompt from #clairestelle8challenge. At first, I figured I could do a tropical bird stamping and fill it in with greys Read More

2 Cwl 4 Skwl - Hermit Werds - a book full of fantasy and science fiction stories

2 Cwl 4 Skwl

August 18, 2017 Lisa 2

I really wanted to participate in this month’s #NailAddictsCollab. The theme was 2 Cwl 4 Skwl and since you’re supposed to include a bit about why you chose your subject, I really thought about what I wanted to say. At first I wanted to paint Bart Simpson nails because he Read More

End of Summer Nights - Hermit Werds - young birds playing at night for one last time before summer ends and school begins

End of Summer Nights

August 18, 2017 Lisa 1

Ah, those glorious nights of summer where you get to stay up a little later because you don’t have school the next day. #26GreatNailArtIdeas had a prompt for the End of Summer so I decided to combine it with #NailArtChallengeAugust’s prompt of Stars and set it at night. I had Read More

Ride the Carousel - Hermit Werds - Carousel animals at the circus

Ride the Carousel

August 17, 2017 Lisa 2

I adore carousels. I still have a calendar that is over a decade old, but I won’t let go of it because it has carousel horses. I have a cross-stitch that is even older than the calendar that’s about halfway finished. I work on it every couple of years. Maybe Read More

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