This prompt brought to you by my need to use alliteration. Oh, and the prompt Animal Print in the Wrong Colors for #26GreatNailArtIdeas (and also the Nail Challenge Collaborative’s similar month-long theme), the letter ‘G’, and the color green. Obviously.
No, seriously, I was going to do a pink tiger mani (what is with me and pink lately?), but then I was all: No! Alliteration is needed to make this awesome. So it was this or Orange Ocelot and since I would have had to freehand ocelot fur patterns I…picked giraffe…
It is possible this description of my motivations and reasoning is not as flattering as I could hope. I rely on you, dear reader, to think better of me than I am in this moment. Also giraffes are cute.

- Base Polishes:
Cupcake Polish’s “Here Today, Gone to Maui” and “Unbe-leaf-able” - Stamping Polishes:
Cupcake Polish’s “Unbe-leaf-able”, Mundo de Unas’ “Dark Green” and “Lemon Tree” - Advanced Stamping Polish:
Look’s “Lime” - Stamping Plates:
Bundle Monster BM-022 (giraffe print), HK-06 (leaves), Moyou London Enchanted Collection 12 (giraffe w/leaves)
I kind of wish I’d gone with the ocelot, because my color contrast was off and I painted my nails three times to get things where they are. I was going to use my nail fails as examples of how to combine colors because I took photos of the other two tries and then my computer ate the files. So my suffering was completely in vain. I will never again pick a giraffe over a cat. Or at least not a green giraffe. Curse you forever, unnatural creatures! :p
More lovely and (hopefully) bizarre animal print manis:
And here are more animal print designs from the Nail Challenge Collaborative:
I love your green giraffe!!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I’m glad you like it. 😀