Narwhale nail art with rainbow swirls on a peach background and a freehand painted narwhale painted on top "Tap that fish!".

Tap that Fish

November 3, 2022 Lisa 0

About five years ago, Adam Ravetch captured the first ever footage of a narwhal using its tusk to hunt fish. They literally tap the fish to stun them and then swim up the rest of the way to nom them down. I thought that was hilarious and, of course, it Read More

Teal glow in the dark nail art with a mermaid unicorn (mermicorn) stamping decal and a narwhale.


June 11, 2021 Lisa 2

I’ve had this nail art painted for nearly a week, but I just haven’t felt like writing lately. Still, it’s more than time to share this nail art that helped me transition from a month of mermaids to a month of unicorns (Junicorn). I bring you a mermicorn. Okay, I Read More

Swimming with the Narwhales - Hermit Werds - handpainted narwhales swimming against a black arctic background

Swim with the Narwhales

August 27, 2017 Lisa 2

#NailsWithIgFriends is a group that has just one prompt a month and the person in charge of the prompt and the collage at the end changes each month. This was my first month participating and @nailcraftaddict was running the show and picked Arctic Wildlife. Now being me I kinda wanted Read More