‘Q’ is for Quack
It has been a hectic week and I’ve spent more time on my cosplay wings than on my nail art. So I am late. Late enough that I made a placeholder post (which is probably cheating?) so I would still be included in on the inLinkz. I wanted to do Read More

‘E’ is for Equestria Girls
So waaay back when the ABC Challenge was at the letter ‘e’, I wanted to do Equestria Girls. And I thought it would be so awesome to draw my inspiration from the latest movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games. So it wasn’t just each of the mane Read More

Peacock Rainbow Part 2
So I’m late posting this. My apologies. I’ve had a couple of days where I was dead exhausted and posting was not as high on my list as sitting upright on the couch and falling asleep like a small child. Dignity. I have it occasionally. Not this week. But I Read More

Peacock Rainbow
I started with the base colors in a gradient (except for the black) so that I wouldn’t have to worry too much about full coverage with the glitter. Then I dabbed on the glitters with a sponge and top coated. And then top coated a couple more times (at some Read More

‘F’ is for Food
Here is another nail art I got out too late to participate in the inLinkz. Plus I had nowhere I wanted to post my nail art back then. I apparently have a thing for food nail art. Whenever I see a nail stamping plate with food on it, I want Read More

‘P’ is for Pair
I threw around a lot of ideas for the letter ‘p’, everything from penguins to pencils. In the end, I went with word play and decided to do pairs of things starting with ‘p’ with the exception of a single pear. This one took a while. I had a lot Read More

Zagging Summer
My new Ejibaus plate arrived so I really wanted to play with it. I grabbed colors that looked pretty summer-y and started splashing them around. As fun and glittery as it was, this just wasn’t a favorite. None of the patterns really felt like they meshed. I feel like I Read More

‘G’ is for Grain
This marks the first back-post of the ABC Challenge. I have been following it since it started, but was too lazy to get a blog started when it meant work and getting my sadly broken computer functioning again so I could edit the photos. I’ve decided to go in reverse Read More