Really, I almost titled this “On Violent Waters” to see if people would notice the ‘n’ and put a shark on my thumb. Look out, birds!

Anyway, this was for #WhenColoursCollide’s pink/purple/white theme and ended up being for #NailArtChallengeCollaborative’s Geometric theme as well. That worked out well. Really I just wanted to return to a nail art formula I used before that I really liked: origami decals filled in with a jelly on a geometric background. Believe me, I will be revisiting this again. Just with the Moyou London stamping plate I used I have three dinosaurs and three mythical creatures that I haven’t touched yet. So that’s two different designs right there.

More experimenting with nail foil glue…
Here I tried to stamp directly on the nail with some nail foil glue on it. You can see I still had some lines lift up as I removed the stamper and perfect geometric stamping destroyed. I have a few things I want to try to fix this. One I already tried in The Fanciest of Coffees by making decals and sticking them to the nail with the glue. This kept the lines from distorting but is not really an improvement on my normal method. It’s just replacing painting some clear polish down for it to stick to with nail foil glue. I still have more ideas though…
- Reusable opal white gel base with a little bit of sharpie ink diluted with rubbing alcohol on top.
- Stamping Polishes:
Mundo de Unas’ “White” and Sally Hansen’s Insta-dri “Plummet” - Advanced Stamping Polishes:
NYC’s Crystal Couture “NY Princess” - Stamping Plates:
Born Pretty BP-L060 (background of ring & pinkie fingers) and BP-L078 (all other backgrounds), Moyou London Origami Collection 05 (birds)
It’s a little annoying to me personally that I love this opal polish so much because I can maybe get three looks out of it or less before I have to repaint at least a few nails and the plain black and white gel polishes last longer. But I love it so much! Someday I will get the translucent black one as well and people will wonder if I’ll ever go back to solid colors again. LOL

I thought the background gradient was quite lovely on its own so here’s a quick look at it:

Here’s the group collage from #WhenColoursCollide. What a lively FB group! 😀

There is actually quite a bit of activity on the geometric prompt this month, but most of the participants don’t have blogs so check out the #NailChallengeCollaborative FB group for more: