So waaay back when the ABC Challenge was at the letter ‘e’, I wanted to do Equestria Girls. And I thought it would be so awesome to draw my inspiration from the latest movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Friendship Games. So it wasn’t just each of the mane six and Sunset Shimmer, but what they used during the physical part of the Friendship Games (archery, skating, and dirt bikes).
In the end, the best nail out of the bunch is the cloud stamp, which is not even my original idea but a derivative of something I saw someone else doing. It’s pinned somewhere on my Nail Art Board, but the pin doesn’t even lead to the original nail artist and they didn’t put a watermark on their photo so… :/

This was not an easy manicure to put together and I am still not satisfied with it. I tried to tie too many elements in and lacked things like a reliable set of stamping polishes in more than black and white. I also lacked much in the way of selection when it came to pastel colors, especially in pink and yellow. Still. I (mostly) did better than the first time I tried to finish this manicure, which is kinda hard to tell because I have a bad habit of living in my nails for a few days before photographing them. (Luckily it’s a habit that I am starting to leave behind now that I’ve started blogging.)

I used a lot of bottles of polish and it’s been long enough that I couldn’t say for certain what all of them were so I’ll refrain from listing them this time. Meanwhile, here are all the manicures that made it into the inLinkz (as I did not):
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